狐羊 和
歌舞伎カフェ ナゴヤ座様
茶房 花千花様
茶道体験教室 和水香庵様
和菓子屋 松露堂様
遊戯1 五人の俥夫と円頓寺の怪
2,STARTSpot 人力車乗り場を予め中央に配置し乗り物札もシャッフル。裏向きに山札として置く。
3,俥夫札をシャッフルしSTARTSpot、乗り物札の近くに山札として裏向きで 配置する。
観光客プレイヤーは 観光客札計20枚÷観光客プレイヤー人数で手札を決定する。観光客プレイヤーは手札の半分の数消費後、俥夫左隣のプレイヤー
もしくは脱落した観光客プレイヤー と俥夫役を交代する。該当しない者は引き続き観光客プレイヤーとなる。それぞれ手札を全て消費した者からゲーム終了。得点計算に入る。
●俥夫(火車以外)× 人力車の場合×【観光地の場合】
●俥夫(火車以外)× 人力車の場合×【異界の場合】
●俥夫 (火車以外)× ゴンドラの場合
俥夫がHIRO以外の場合は何もせず、観光客プレイヤーは観光客札を STARTSpot の近くに配置する。
俥夫がHIROの場合は上記《 俥夫(火車以外)× 人力車の場合 》と同じ行動をとる。
●火車 × 人力車の場合
3, 観光客札がなくなるまで繰り返し行い、山札がなくなった時点で ゲーム終了もしくはゴンドラでSTART地点に待機している観光客札枚数を数え、山札とし、枚数が余る場合はその分除きボーナスマッチとする。
遊戯2 ベネチ屋人力車巡り旅
1,STARTSpot 人力車乗り場を表向きにして端に配置。
再び 1 ~2を繰り返し行い3~4週後得点計算をし、一番得点の高いプレイヤーの勝利となる。
遊戯3 なごまち!(2~9人)
※STARTSpot 、俥夫札、救済札、乗り物札は特殊札扱いとなります。
●START Spot…捨て札をシャッフルし、一番上から一枚引いた色、数字、観光客、名所となる。
手札(黄色、観光客、20、 名所:円頓寺商店街 )
手元の札《モデル》(黄色、観光客、5 、名所:円頓寺商店街)
【 黄色、もしくは観光名所で一致】であがり!
【 手元札のみ不一致】でNG!
《English Ver》
Yugi 1: Five jinrikisha and the monster of Entonji(2-9 persons)
[Game Objective.
Many tourists visit Beneciya for a rickshaw ride in Nagoya, and the jinrikisha jinrikisha jinrikisha drivers are in chaos.
Can they get the tourists safely to the tourist attractions? Furthermore
They notice that there is one more jinrikisha and one more rickshaw, and there are fake jinrikisha (yokai) in the mix, so be careful not to be taken to the other world!
Will the jinrikisha be able to improve the reputation of the Benechi-ya while the yokai are in their way?
The winner is the jinrikyo player with the most points!
The jinrikisha player who has the most points wins. The jinrikisha player who scores the most points wins.
Game progression
1,Tourist Player's Action
Turn over one card from the tourist deck. Tells the jinrikisha player in charge whether to shuffle jinrikisha cards and vehicle cards or to turn them over as they are. After that, he tells the jinrikisha player his desired destination.
2, Action of jinrikisha player
The jinrikisha player turns over the jinrikisha/ride tags according to the instructions of the tourist player. The jinrikisha player acts according to the jinrikisha player's specific abilities, and then acts according to the following combinations of tags.
Jikkisha player (other than fire cart) x In the case of rickshaw x [In the case of sightseeing spot].
The jinrikisha player moves the rickshaw ticket to the desired sightseeing spot and turns the sightseeing spot card. If the destination is the same as the desired destination, the jinrikisha player gets the tourist card (points)*1.
If not, the rickshaw player discards the rickshaw ticket and moves on to the next player.
The jinrikisha player turns over the tourist card again.
If the desired destination is in another world, the jinrikisha player gains the tourist card but loses the number of points.
*2The jinrikisha player (other than the fire cart) x If the jinrikisha player is a rickshaw player x [in the case of a different world].
The jinrikisha player moves the rickshaw ticket to the tourist attraction he thinks is the desired destination, and turns over the tourist attraction. If the destination matches the desired destination, the jinrikisha player gets the tourist card (points)*2.
If not, the rickshaw player discards the rickshaw ticket and moves on to the next rickshaw player.
The jinrikisha player turns over the tourist card again.
2 However, if the desired destination is a sightseeing spot, the jinrikisha player shuffles the
shuffles the relief cards and draws one card. If the jinrikisha player receives anything other than a failure to save, he or she may avoid being eliminated, but if the jinrikisha player receives a failure to save, he or she is eliminated and replaced by the jinrikisha player in charge.
Jinrikisha player (other than HIRO) x Gondola
If jinrikisha player is other than HIRO, he does nothing and the tourist player places his tourist tag near the STARTSpot.
If the jinrikisha player is a HIRO, the same action as above 《 jinrikisha player (other than HIRO) x rickshaw player》 is taken.
In the case of HIRO and JINRICKshaw
The jinrikisha player moves to the other world with the rickshaw facing out. If the tourist player's desired destination is a different world, he/she gets a tourist card as a plus point. Otherwise, the tourist player shuffles the relief cards and draws one. If the player gets anything other than a failure to save, he or she can avoid being eliminated, but if the player gets a failure to save, he or she is eliminated and replaced by the jinrikisha player in charge. If the jinrikisha player has already won a tourist card, it is forfeited.
3, The game is repeated until there are no more tourist cards, and when the deck runs out, the game ends or the number of tourist cards waiting at the START point by the gondola is counted, and the deck is declared a bonus match except for the extra cards.
The game ends when there are no more cards in the deck, even if the gondola goes out again.
The tourist player calculates the score, and the player with the most points wins.
The jinrikisha player wins who has the tourist player score the most points.
Yugi 2: Venetiya Rickshaw Tour Trip
(2-4 persons)
[Game Objective.
The tourist is you, the player. You choose a route in advance and tour the tourist attractions.
Each team consists of a jinrikisha rickshaw driver and a tourist, and the team that tours the highest scoring sights wins. Can the jinrikisha satisfy the tourists by visiting the most popular tourist attractions?
Please note that the jinrikisha must be removed from the game.
The player with the most points wins.
Preparation and progress of the game
*First of all, please play this game with 4 pieces fixed except for jinrikisha (firecart, MERU) in this game.
1,STARTSpot The rickshaw rides are placed face down at the end of the board.
Then shuffle the tourist attraction cards face down, 5 rows horizontally. Place them face down so that there are four vertical rows. Next, the rides and jinrikisha cards are shuffled and placed face down adjacent to the four vertical rows of sightseeing spot cards.
2, Rock-paper-scissors is played, with the winner proceeding in a clockwise direction.
The player chooses a horizontal row of his/her choice and turns over a sightseeing spot card while reading it out loud. Next, the player turns over a vehicle card, then a jinrikisha card, and finally a gondola card, in which case no points are awarded. However, if a gondola is used, no points will be awarded.
*Points will be deducted for different circles.
3, After one round, the scores of the sightseeing spot cards are calculated, and the number is chosen from the tourist cards so that the total score is the same. However, the face down cards are worth 50 points, and the relief cards are worth 100 points each.
Repeat the same steps 1 and 2 again, and after 3 or 4 weeks, the score is calculated, and the player with the highest score wins the game.
Yugi 3 Nagomachi! (2-8 persons)
A well-known event at Beneciya, where yukata and cosplayers are photographed in the streets of Nagoya.
However, due to a problem, only one person was allowed to take pictures...
A game is about to be held to determine who will win the right to photograph...
The objective of the game was to determine who would win the right to shoot.
Out of the 20 models, who will be the model who finally gets the authority to shoot?
You can either anticipate the exchange from the beginning and place a low number, or you can place a high number and try to multiply it. You can't easily raise? The game begins with a game of “Bubakudan”, the Benetiya style of “Bubakudan”!
Preparation for the game
1,Shuffle the cards of tourists, draw one card at a time from the top, and check the color and number. Then place them face down in your hand. This is used as the model for shooting.
2,All the remaining cards are mixed and shuffled face down to make a deck.
3,The player who wins the rock-paper-scissors game proceeds in a clockwise direction. The winner proceeds in a clockwise direction, drawing 7 cards or one card at a time, alternately, until each player has a total of 7 cards.
*Four to five cards are recommended for large group play.
4,Turn over one card from the top of the deck and place it face down. In the case of jinrikisha cards, the player who draws a jinrikisha card specifies the number and color of his/her choice, and draws a card from his/her hand of the same color and number, from among the places of interest, or from among the tourists. If the player cannot play, he/she draws a card from the deck. If there are still no cards in the deck, the player declares a “pass” (whether there is a limit or not is up to the player to decide).
This is repeated until there is only one card left.
STARTSpot, jinrikisha, bailout, and vehicle cards are treated as special cards.
The above cards in this game can be played without any conditions, and each of them can give you or your opponent an effect. On the other hand, if a player leaves one of the above cards until the last card is played, the player is not allowed to advance, and the player is penalized by drawing one card from the deck.
It is also possible to play special cards on top of each other. Special cards are treated as the same color, number, tourist or tourist attraction as before the first card is played.
Jikisha-buda (jinrikisha): You can specify any number, color, tourist card, or famous place card.
Rides... “Rickshaw” cards can be exchanged with any one of the tourists' cards in the player's hand.
Gondola] A rickshaw or jinrikisha card in his hand can be collected.
Relief card...You can choose one of the following effects and give it to your opponent.
Skip”, ‘Have the player to your left draw three cards from the deck’, ‘Select one of the players and discard one card from your hand’.
START Spot...Shuffle the discarded cards and draw one card from the top, which will be a color, number, tourist, or landmark.
If it is a jinrikisha card, a vehicle card, a relief card, or a JOKER card, it is redrawn. The rest are placed in a face-down deck.
5,When there is only one card left, “Nagomachi! when there is only one card left. If the player forgets to say it, he or she is penalized with four cards from the deck. When it is your turn to play next, you must declare “NAGOMACHI! Even if you can play a card in your hand that is already on the field, you cannot play it if the color of the card in your hand (the model) and the card in your hand do not match.
Example of when a card can be removed from the deck
Cards on the table (yellow, tourist attraction, 15)
Card in hand (yellow, tourist, 20)
Model” card in hand (yellow, tourist, 5)
The player goes out with a “yellow match”!
An example of a case where you can't go up
The card in the hand (purple, tourist, 15)
Card in hand (purple, tourist, 20)
Model” card in hand (yellow, tourist, 5)
The cards in the hand are not matched!
The cards in the hand and the cards on the table match, but the model and the color do not match.
The key to the quickest way out
The last color is the key to this game. If you leave the same color as the card in hand (model)
You may be able to get out of this game smoothly.